Chin Ups and Tabata

  • For poor posture and shoulder function, the pull-up may be better due to lower pec major activity  and increased lower trap activity. Both common goals when dealing with Janda’s Upper Crossed Syndrome.
  • Lower Trapezius importance: Due to the overactivity of the upper traps and poor thoracic spine extensibility we have weak/inhibited lower traps = scapular instability.
  • WOD Tabata 3 Rounds Each A. KB High Pulls (53/35) Chin Ups and Hollow Rocks in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave B. Ring Rows Chin Ups and Hollow Rocks in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave C. Hollow Rocks Chin Ups and Hollow Rocks in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave The key is lowering the lumbar arch of your back to the floor before you begin. Lying on the floor relaxed, you can usually slip your hand underneath the arch in the small of your back. You don’t want that. Force your back flat so that it’s a smooth, round shape from your shoulders to your butt. Lowest Rounds for Score]]>

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