Competitor WOD Programming Week 12

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Competitor WOD Programming Week 12

Competitor WOD Programming Competitor WOD Programming Buy In Double unders x 50 t2b x 10-15 UBx3 Butterfly CTB pull ups x 5 x 3 L-sit holds x 15 sec. x 3 then Mobility

Day 1
20 minute EmoM – odd minute = 3 TnG power snatch @ 75% 1rm even minute = 10 HSPU + 4 minute amrap clean and jerks @ 85% 1rm 3 minute amrap burpees 2 minute amrap Row calories Day 2 A.Three sets, not for time, of: Alternating Pistols x 10 reps (5 each) Muscle-Ups x 4-8 reps Double-Unders x 40-50 reps B. Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of: Snatch x 2 reps (Build over the course of the sets to a heavy double.) C. Back Squat * Set 1. x 4 reps @ 70% * Set 2. x 3 reps @ 80% * Set 3. x 2 reps @ 90% * Set 4. x 1 rep @ 90-95% * Set 5. x Max Reps @ 85% Rest 3-4 minutes between sets
Day 3 A. Two sets, not for time, of: Rope Climb x 3 ascents Roll to Candlestick x 6 reps Double-Unders x 40-50 reps B. Eight sets of: Clean x 1.1 (rest 10 seconds between singles) Rest as needed between sets. C. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 85%1rm. Deadlift x 3 reps Weighted Ring Dips x 3 reps (SCALE loads as needed.) Rest exactly 5 minutes, and then . . . D. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 10 Box Jumps (30″/24″) 15 Pull-Ups   Day 4   A. Three sets, not for time, of: Wall Climbs x 4-6 reps Bar Muscle-Ups x 4-7 unbroken reps Toes to Bar x 10-15 reps B. Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy Split Jerk. C. For time: 60 Handstand Push-Ups 90 Wall Balls (30/20) Partition reps however you would like. You do not need to finish all of the handstand push-ups before starting in on Wall Balls. D. For time: Row 2000 Meters 150 Double-Unders

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