Front Squat and Toes to Bar

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Front Squat and Toes to Bar

Galveston Tidal Wave CrossFit Front Squat Today we finishing our 5/3/1 Front Squat cycle.  There were so many PR’s (personal record) this cycle that I am so freaking proud. Our in house PR board is full this week! Everyone did so amazing. Front Squat Taylor CrossFit Tidal Wave The front squat is used primarily to develop the muscles of the low body including the; quadriceps, gastrocnemius, and the gluteus maximus. The front squat is by nature a more quadriceps dominant exercise than the back squat and requires more mid-line stabilization, and muscle activity in the hips, and spinal erectors. Both the back squat and the front squat develop strength and power in the low body but, there are differences in maximal muscular performance. There is typically an increased capacity for maximal lifts with the back squat, as the front squat is ideally 85% of the low back squat in most athletes. Tips for Set Up: front squat Chris CrossFit Tidal Wave

  • Take time to find your starting position.
  • Find your natural foot stance width your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your toes slightly out so your toes can follow the path of your knees.
  • Find your grip on the barbell slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Receive the bar from the rack on the front of the shoulders and step back onto the platform.
  • Keep chest up and raise the elbows high.
  • Stabilize the midline taking in a deep breath.
  • Keep the feet flat on the ground pushing down through the heels.
  • Squat down until the thighs are below parallel.
  • Keep the chest up, back tight, and the elbows high when coming out the the squat aggressively drive the elbows up to come out of the hole. Workout of the Day 50 Slam Balls (50/25) 25 Toes to Bar 50 Ring Rows slam ball CrossFit in Galveston The purpose of today’s MetCon is to train how to leave One Rep in the tank instead of going full bore until you hit muscle failure. Instead of training to “fail” master your performance by toeing the line but not broad jumping over it. There is a time and place for that, but that is not the purpose of today’s WOD.

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