Front Squats and Mile Run

Nick Front Squats at CrossFit Tidal Wave   Front Squats at CrossFit Tidal Wave Front Squats at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, Texas Nancy Doing Front Squats at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, Texas   Coaches Corner: Elbows up – Up, up, and up. Did I mention up? Lead with the elbows on the way up. Imagine there are chains attached to the end of your elbows. As you complete the squat the lifting gods are pulling you back up. Hips under the bar – Get your hips under the bar as soon as possible on the way up, and drive straight up. You will become more upright, and feel the difference in power straight away when you get this right. WOD (workout of the day) Tabata 8 Rounds A. Air Squats 1 minute rest B. Plate Ground to Over Head (45/25) 1 minute rest C. 1 mile Run   Today's WOD Front Squats and Tabata at CrossFit Tidal Wave Today's WOD Front Squats and Tabata at CrossFit Tidal Wave]]>

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