Overhead Squats and Rowing

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Overhead Squats and Rowing

Overhead Squats and Rowing CrossFit Galveston OH Squat Overhead Squat Tips: Press into the bar. This is one of the biggest things that can improve your performance. One reason the OHS can be so counter intuitive is that the body wants to move as a unit through the dynamics of physics in this case gravity – which means that as you descend, the muscle groups involved in keeping the bar raised tend to relax, hold, and depress. So the scapular group try to switch from elevation to depression. The upper traps try to switch from concentric contraction to bigger balance with eccentric, to brace the body to catch the overhead falling weight. Use the cue to be constantly lifting/pushing the weight, never just holding it. Furthermore, there are far greater instances in work history that a person, if descending with an overhead object, needs to buffet it away in order to keep it from crashing onto oneself, than to catch it and return with it overhead with arms extended. So there is a certain amount of instinctive response and primal muscle memory that must be overcome. Strength Workout (SWOD) 5 x 3 OverHead Squat 3 x 1min Hand Stand Progression Practice handstand Workout of the Day (WOD) 45 sec On/15sec Rest 4 Rounds A. Calorie Row B. Hand Release Push Ups C. Russian Swings (53/35) D. Wall Balls (20/14) deload week jill wall ball]]>

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