Push Jerk and Seated Press

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Push Jerk and Seated Press

jerk galveston crossfitPush Jerk and Seated Press This week we are starting the 3 Phase of the 5/3/1 template with our strength workouts.  While it may seem counter intuitive to take weight off the bar when the goal is to add weight to it, starting lighter allows you more room to progress forward. This is a very hard pill to swallow for most lifters. They want to start heavy and they want to start now. This is nothing more than ego, and nothing will destroy a lifter faster, or for longer, than ego. People live for today’s workout. No one seems to have the vision anymore to look beyond just what they’re doing today. I plan my training for a year. I know exactly what I want to do, and what I want to accomplish 12 months in advance. And I know what 5 or 10 pounds a month adds up to over the course of a year. The game of lifting isn’t an eight-week pursuit. It doesn’t last as long as your latest program does. It’s a lifetime pursuit. Strength Workout A1. 3 x 3 Push Jerk A2. Round 1 Couch Stretch A3. IT Band Foam Roll Today’s Metabolic Workout (MetCon) works with a challenging press progression known as the seated KB Press. It requires increased core activation due to not being able to utilize leg drive to press the weight up. Following that up with a challenging ab variations leaves a challenging couplet. MetCon 10-1 A 1-10 B A. Seated Kb Press (44/35) B. Straight Leg Sit Ups 10/1, 9/2, 8/3, etc charlye seated press galveston crossfitseated press Crossfit tidal wavestraight leg sit ups crossfit tidal wave]]>

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