Push Jerks and Band Pull Aparts

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Push Jerks and Band Pull Aparts

Push Jerks and Band Pull Aparts

stacy jerk

Day full of PR’s !

Congrats Elizabeth St Clair for Pr’ing both her Clean and Jerk.

Congrats to Kara Mullins and Christin Andrews for PR’ing their Fran time.

Congrats to Amanda White for PR’ing her L-Hold.

And Congrats to anyone else I missed (I am pretty sure we had two or three more today)

Strength Workout (SWOD) 4 x 3 Push Jerk (60, 70, 80, 85) A2. 3 x 20 Band Pull Aparts

The Rack Ready Position:

Feet should be shoulder width apart, pointed straight. The bar should be held across the front of the shoulders (in between the clavicle and the deltoid), resting on the finger tips with hands open and triceps parallel to the ground.

 Initiation/Execution The Dip:

Minor flexion of the knees and hips into a quarter squat position. After reaching the proper depth you quickly go into triple extension to lift the bar off the shoulders.  At this point the bar should be floating.

 The Drop:

Once the bar leaves the shoulders you will flex the hips and knees in preparation for the drop. As the bar travels upward, the elbows will go into complete extension with wrists the athlete will straighten.

 Completion Reminder:

The lift is not completed until you are at full extension and show control of the lift.

Workout of the Day (WOD) 5 Hang Power Cleans (115/85) 10 Push Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Handstand Push Ups ring row 727


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