Today’s WOD Step Ups and Hollow Rocks SWOD 5 x 5 Goblet Step Ups [caption id="attachment_596" align="alignnone" width="300"] Abby hitting the step ups[/caption] Flexing the opposite foot upwards (i.e., ankle dorsiflexion) will help deter pushing off with the back leg. I picked up this tip many moons ago from strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin. However, there are some individuals that have difficulty executing a step-up in this manner no matter how low the step is. In this case, do the exact opposite: flex the foot of the non-working leg downwards (i.e., ankle plantarflexion). WOD 15min AMRAP 5,4,3,2,1 of each= 1 Round Pull Ups (Strict) Hollow Rock ]]>
Step Ups and Hollow Rocks
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