Goblet Squats and Thrusters

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Goblet Squats and Thrusters

goblet squat Strength Workout (SWOD) 4 x5 Goblet Squat w/ 2 second pause in the bottom A2. 3 x 10 DB Rows A3. 3 x 8 Ring Fallouts row geraldine Coach’s Tips for Fallouts:

  1. Adjust the straps so the handles are at an appropriate height, below waist level.
  2. Begin standing and grasping the handles. Lean into the straps, moving to an incline push-up position. This will be your starting position.
  3. Keeping your arms straight, lean further into the suspension straps, bringing your body closer to the ground, allowing your shoulders to extend, raising your arms up and over your head.
  4. Maintain a neutral spine and keep the rest of your body straight, your shoulders being the only joints allowed to move.
  5. Pause during the peak contraction, and then return to the starting position.
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