The work out of the day begins December’s first week of CrossFit competitor programming. We are starting the “Super Accumulation” phase and gearing up for a heavy competition season this winter.
Competitor Programming
Day 1 A. Snatch, 2 @ 75%, 2 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90% B.1 Thruster, 5 x 3-5, rest 20 sec. (70% 1RM) B.2 Muscle up, 5 x 60 sec. amrap, rest 2 minutes (Or Hopping Muscle Ups from Box, or Hips to rings ) MetCon 1K row TT (Time Trial) Day2 A. 5 X 5 Back Squat with 2 sec Pause at bottom B. A. Sumo DL – tough triple w/ chains in middle C. KB Shoulder Press cluster, 3.3.3×3, rest 20 sec., rest 2 minutes D. TGU – @ tough weight MetCon 30 sec. on AD @ 100+RPMs 30 sec. on AD @ 50 -60 RPMs x10 Day3 A. Power clean x 1 + squat clean x 2 + jerk x 3 x 5 sets – rest 2 minutes MetCon 100 CtB pull ups, 75 kb swings @ 53/35 50 meter waiters walk @ 70/53 25 HSPU Day 4 A.1 DB bench press, rest 45 seconds A.2 Single leg KB DL, 4 x 6/side, rest 10 sec./side, rest 45 seconds *opp. arm holds weight A.3 Face pulls, 4 x 10-12, rest 45 sec. MetCon 10 banded heavy Russian kb swings 10 sec. rope slam @ max effort 10 sec. broad jumps for max distance -rest 2 minutes- x 5 roundsCoaches Corner: This week’s wods were shorter by design preparing for next weeks higher volume. Focuses were on dynamic high extension as well as integration of barbell complexes.