Romanian Deadlifts and 400m Repeaters

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Romanian Deadlifts and 400m Repeaters

Romanian Deadlift at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX Romanian Deadlift at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX The Romanian Deadlift, or RDL, is an excellent lift for developing strength and muscle mass in the posterior chain. Whether your goal is a great physique, a bigger squat or deadlift, or to run faster and jump higher, the RDL can help get you there. Unfortunately, the RDL is one of the most difficult lifts to learn and coach. Whether it’s the concept of neutral spine, loading the hips by pushing them back, or keeping the weight on the heels, let’s just say there are easier lifts to coach! In fact, I’d go as far as saying I’d rather teach someone to squat properly than do an RDL properly! 1. Grab the bar just outside of shoulder width; if grip is an issue, feel free to use a mixed-grip or straps. 2. Set-up in a hip-width stance with the toes pointing straight ahead and weight on your heels. You should have a slight bend in the knees. 3. The chest should be up, with the chin tucked and neck in neutral alignment with the rest of the torso. 4. From the starting position, focus on pushing the hips way back. In fact, just think about pushing the hips as far back as possible while maintaining the flat back and neutral neck position. 5. Once you feel a mild stretch in the hamstrings, drive the hips forward towards the starting position. If you start to feel any rounding in the low back before this, go ahead and return at that time. 6. As you approach the starting position, focus on actively squeezing the gluteals to finish the lift. WOD (workout of the day) 400m Run 2 min rest 4 rounds 400m run  at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX 400m run  at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX 400m run  at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX Go out fast the first 100 and then “float” the second 100, easing slightly but still going very hard. Then really hammer the third 100 near all-out effort, and then push as hard as you can until the finish. The 400 is often won by the person who slows down the least. Do not run flat footed.]]>

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