Barbell Curls and Ab Wheels

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Barbell Curls and Ab Wheels

Alternating dumbbell press in Today's SWOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave

Barbell Curl in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave

WOD (workout of the day) 20-15-10 Slam Balls (50/25) Ab Wheels of Doom Dive Bombers

Liz slamballs in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Grace slamballs in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Sara slamballs in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Steve slamballs in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal WaveAb Wheel in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Ab Wheel in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Andrew slamballs in Today's WOD at Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave


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